Objective Personality Tasks (OPTs) introduced at the ABP Conference
This years ABP conference was a fantastic event for TK Wu & Alan Howard to introduce Mosaic – An Alternative to Personality Questionnaires: Introducing Objective Personality Tasks.
They are currently doing a number of global presentations including; London, Chester, Singapore, Hong Kong & China. TK is Head of Training for all Accredited Psychometric courses run by Quest Partnership Ltd. Alan Howard is a Chartered Psychologist. Alan is a director of Quest Assessments Ltd which develops innovative psychometrics, and he also engages in consultancy projects with sister company, Quest Partnership Ltd. He has 28 year’s’ experience as an occupational psychologist which includes managing and delivering large consultancy projects on 6 continents.
Self-report personality questionnaires are the traditional and current accepted means of assessing personality. Mosaic presents an alternative to personality questionnaires: personality tasks – with the changing nature of work, traditional ways of assessment need to change. Questionnaires suffer from distortion such as social desirability responding and errors due to poor self awareness. The alternative approach – Objective Personality Tasks or OPTs – directly assess personality through task performance.
Objective Personality Tasks (OPT’s). Following a number of global presentations where they have been introducing Personality Tasks to business as an alternative to Personality Questionnaires – we are pleased to announce that TK will be presenting again at numerous events next year – time table will be released shortly.