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BPS Registered Test User - Online Training Course Now Open

BPS Qualifications in Test Use – our online training course is open now. Test User: Occupational Ability and Personality (formerly BPS Level A & B) via our Online Training Platform.

These qualifications in test use have been designed for professionals who use psychometric or psychological tests as part of their role, for example: Occupational professionals working in HR departments, employment agencies or consultancies offering testing services, whose role involves testing for personnel selection, talent development or career guidance and advice.

By gaining these BPS qualifications you can refer to yourself as a BPS Registered Test User. In addition, you can join the BPS Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU), and to receive the pan-European ‘Euro Test User Certificate’, which is awarded by the European Federation of Psychologists’ Association and represents an internationally recognised standard for test use in the workplace.

Test User Training

  • We are British Psychological Society (BPS) Accredited Trainers.
  • Our Psychometric Training Courses support an individuals Continuous Professional Development.
  • Our Personality Profiling Questionnaire, Identity© is a Level 2 BPS Accredited Tool.
  • Test User: Occupational, Ability & Personality is now a Level 2 Qualification formerly Level A & B.

Specialist in Test Use: Occupational; Euro Test User

EFPA has 37 national Member Associations with a combined membership of over 350,000 associated psychologists representing the discipline and profession of psychology in all its forms at the European level.

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