Leadership Development
Use the most appropriate Leadership Development Centre processes and interventions to achieve your objectives, whether this be purely about development, or whether you need an assessment element to help your succession planning and feeding your talent pipeline. Quest Partnership deliver high-impact talent interventions that will be celebrated in your organisation.
Link to your long-term business strategy
Quest Partnership recognises that it is imperative that leadership development centres link in with your wider and longer-term strategy for improving the performance of your organisation. Linking Leadership Development Centres with wider Human Resource and other business activities is key to driving your business forward.
Self-development plans and actions
Specifically designed Development Centres can benefit your organisation by helping all involved to minimise the knowledge gap, get participants to understand their strengths and development areas whilst ensuring real, measurable and long-lasting change. Supported throughout the process, we can work with you to help implement self-development plans and ongoing follow-up processes to monitor progress and actions.
What is a Development Centre & what are the expected outcomes?
• Our development centres focus on instilling self-driven learning and incorporate new ways of thinking to challenge the taken-for-granted assumptions that your participants may bring with them to the centre, which may inhibit their potential.
• We empower your people to aid them in making their own choices. Individual leadership styles are as unique as your employees’ own personalities. That’s why we focus on ‘Authentic Leadership’.
• We use professional actors in our leadership simulations to give our exercises a greater degree of realism and ensure the maximum experiential learning is gained.
• To help with resource efficiency your own staff can be trained to act as skilled facilitators and observers. We will support them throughout and ensure they are provided with substantial training, immediate feedback and coaching. Audio-visual technology can also be used to give real and live feedback to participants.
• A wide range of exercises can be incorporated into your centre, including role play meetings, group discussions, media handling exercises, in-tray/case studies, presentations, behavioural interviews and psychometric assessments.
• We provide impartial expert advice and support for implementing follow-up processes that ensure accountability, monitor progress and steer development for the long-term goal.
• Our focus is to ensure that individuals achieve real, demonstrable change that endures throughout their working career.
For more information and case studies of our leadership programmes and development centres, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your specific requirements.
“Really enjoyable few days, I feel I have learnt a lot and have gained new skills I can implement at work.
TK was an excellent facilitator, very knowledgeable and helpful at offering advice & perspective.”
Employee Feedback from Development Centre ‘A day in the Life’ run by Quest.