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42nd International Congress on Assessment Centre Methods and Developing Leadership Talent | Introducing Personality Tasks (OPT's)

Boost the Validity of Assessment Centres


Join Alan Howard Director, Quest Assessments Ltd, Mosaic Personality Tasks Division 

Shanghai Marriott Hotel, City Centre, China

14th Nov 2019 | 9.00 am -9.40 am


Introducing an alternative approach

Mosaic Personality Tasks | Objective Personality Tasks (OPT’S)

Personality Assessment and Centres

 In terms of competences, is personality key for effective performance?

Personality & Competencies


Effective performance is not just about ability, hence it is clear that personality is important to understand competence.

Consequently, the Great 8 Competences link to personality.

 Why do many assessment centres fail to work effectively and why is the task approach so much more effective?

Factors reducing Centre Validity


Most importantly, appreciate the factors that reduce assessment centre validity.

Moreover, understand how the Mosaic Tasks approach is a method that achieves high validity. Above all, one of the key reasons is that assessors are not involved!


 Are personality questionnaires a true reflection of the individual? What errors do we get from them?



Personality questionnaires are the main options currently used globally at the moment.

Although useful tools they do have their limitations: Faking or over-selling one’s good points; lack of self-awareness – can lead to error.

Join Alan and he will explain how the Mosaic Team developed these tasks and the benefits of this new approach.

Mosaic Tasks – OPT’s

The tasks assess an individual’s spontaneous, natural preferred behaviours – therefore cannot be manipulated.  They are based on Raymond Cattell’s work in the 1950’s, with up-dated research as well as applying the technologies of today.

  • 8 Tasks. 3 Task version. 
  • Mobile compatible to meet the needs of today.
  • Cannot be faked.
  • Can measure competences.


Ground-breaking psychometrics. Be there if you can!

Book your tickets here >>>>

Who Should Attend and Why?

According to the 2018 Global Leadership Forecast, c-level executives identify developing the next generation of leaders as their number-one challenge.

Mosaic Tasks are a brilliant tool for ensuring that your Assessment Centres identify the best individuals to hire and develop. Moreover, they ensure that you keep and motivate the next generation of leaders for the ongoing success of your business.

Therefore, if you are a HR professional responsible for:

  • Talent Development and Succession Management
  • Planning and conducting assessments in their organisations
  • Leadership development and organisational effectiveness
  • Accelerated development of high-potentials and other leaders transitioning to a higher organisation level
  • Hiring for leadership positions


Then the 42nd International Congress is the not to be missed event. Bringing together in Shanghai world-renowned Assessment Centre experts, as well as representatives of top companies and organisations that are using—and benefiting from—Assessment Centres every day.

While the event will also cover the impact of technology in making assessment centres more cost-efficient. In addition, it will provide an insight to Real-world assessment centre and development applications. 

Assessment Centre Methods and Developing Leadership Talent have therefore, never been so important. Certainly it is a great opportunity to meet experts in the field. Above all to learn the techniques being used around the globe. Most noteworthy, hearing about the new research on the validity of assessment centres and how to apply its recommendations for good practice.


The Quest Partnership Group

Quest Assessments Ltd is the sister company that primarily focuses on psychometrics research and development activities. Quest Partnership Ltd also gets involved in R&D but often there are more urgent client priorities. Therefore, we have Quest Assessments – so that we can conduct R&D properly without other priorities getting in the way. The current project is Mosaic Tasks which are Objective Personality Tasks (OPT’s) due to be launched in 2020.

For more information about psychometric testing and how it can support you within your HR role please click here