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Guide to Virtual Assessment Centres | Max Choi

Max Choi and his fellow authors; Helen Baron (Independent), Charlie Eyre (Workspheres Ltd) and Natalie Thomas (Shell plc) have now completed their
Guide to Virtual Assessment Centres (VAC)
which they were asked to develop by the British Psychological Society (BPS) as a supplement to its Standard for the Design and Delivery of Assessment Centres, 2015.

This guidance has been prepared for anyone designing and delivering virtual / online assessment centres, offering a detailed framework for their design, implementation, and evaluation. 

Here are the key points from their guide:


Purpose and Structure:

Virtual assessment centres are used to evaluate candidates’ competencies through various activities like interviews, group exercises, and role plays, conducted online rather than in-person. These centres aim to maintain the rigour and thoroughness of traditional assessment centres while leveraging the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of virtual environments.


Assessor Training:

Assessors should be well-trained in using the virtual platform and familiar with the Observe, Record, Classify, and Evaluate (ORCE) process. This ensures consistent and fair evaluations across all candidates. [Assessor Training Course]


Preparation and Materials:

All assessment materials should be integrated into the online system to eliminate the need for paper forms. It’s crucial to secure these materials to prevent unauthorised downloads or sharing.


Scheduling and Flexibility:

Virtual assessment centres offer more flexible scheduling options, allowing candidates to choose time slots that fit their availability. Clear timetables should be provided, specifying which activities are scheduled and which can be completed at any time.



To ensure fairness, the process must be standardised. All candidates should receive the same information and complete the same exercises under similar conditions, accounting for variables like equipment and internet access.


Technical Preparedness:

Both assessors and candidates should be given opportunities to practice using the virtual platform. Having a facilitator on standby to resolve technical issues is recommended.


Accessibility and Adjustments:

It is important to offer reasonable adjustments for candidates with disabilities, such as providing extra time, using accessible formats, or offering alternative navigation options.


Evaluation and Feedback:

The effectiveness of the virtual assessment centre should be evaluated through feedback from all participants. Data on costs and benefits should also be collected to inform future improvements.

Virtual Assessment Centres & Virtual Development Centres

While this guide, like the original standard, is focused on the design and delivery of Assessment Centres, much will be relevant to Development Centre practice as well.