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Similarities and Differences in Managerial Judgement Around the World

Managerial Judgement – Max Choi is the Founder and Managing Director of Quest Partnership Ltd, Alan Howard is a Director of Quest Assessments Ltd and Nina Krig is a Project Manager at Talentsoft.

In 2012 they agreed to collaborate together on researching and writing this chapter to be included in the book Advances in Global Leadership Vol.7, by W H Mobley, Y Wang & M Li. published by Emerald Books

They frequently meet for updates and joint presentations at both Human Resource and Psychometric events, Max is currently working on a new project with Alan, further details will be release later this year.

Max Choi, Alan Howard and Nina Krig

This chapter reviews key research on the similarities and differences in leadership and management across different regions of the world.It also looks at similarities and differences on other relevant aspects i.e. commitment, work values, personality, and emotional intelligence.Research has tended to focus on drawing out the differences as that appears to be worthy of news and attracts interest.
We also report on the types of errors in research which might actually make real differences appear much larger.The reality is that what we find is a great deal of similarity in leadership and management behaviour across the different regions of the world.Given these similarities, can we develop a management level Situational Judgement Test (SJT) that can be used effectively across different world regions?
We believe this can be achieved by identifying SJT items that work consistently across world regions, and then assembling a bias‐free test with robust psychometric properties.

Chapter: in Advances in Global Leadership Vol. 7. 2012, pp. 229 – 250